Gnostica, Judaica, Catholica. Collected Essays
Quispel G.
Редактор : van Oort J.Год :2008 Количество страниц :897 Языки :Английский ,Немецкий ,Французский Категория :Исследования Скачать : PdfПоддержать :Частичные переводы :
Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies #55.
This book is not Gilles Quispel’s fi rst collection of essays. Fairly early in his long life, he had already two circumstantial collections in print. In the year 1974, the fi rst volume Gnostic Studies was published by the Dutch Historical-Archaeological Institute in Istanbul. The book is comprised of thirteen long studies densely printed on more than 250 large pages. The following year a second volume, Gnostic Studies II, was published. It included nineteen essays. The twofold collection, consisting of nearly 600 pages, offered Quispel’s views on the themes that had become the topics of his research: ‘Valentinian Gnosis and the Jung Codex’, ‘the Jewish Origins of Gnosticism’, ‘the Gospel of Thomas and Jewish Christianity’, and ‘Gnosis and Modern Times’.